50th day of school!!

Hard to believe that we celebrated the 50th day of school last week!  We celebrated with a few fun activities using the number 50.  We colored and counted 50 objects, practiced tracing numbers 1-50, and even drew a picture of ourselves at age 50!!  Many of us looked taller with lots of wrinkles in our pictures:)  You can practice counting to 50 (or beyond) at home too!!

Meet our new reading helper...Eagle Eye!

Last week we met a new friend that helps us when we come to a tricky word in our reading.  "Eagle Eye" reminds us to look at the picture when we are stuck.  Often times the picture has the clue that we need!  Eagle Eye has a few more reading friends that we will be introduced to very soon!!!  Ask your child to tell you about Eagle Eye and how he helps us read tricky words:)

Painting pumpkins with Mrs. Foley's class

We had so much fun painting our pumpkins with our friends from across the hall!  I saw some very colorful and creative designs! I hope you enjoyed them too:)